Other Free Business Analyst Training
There are lots of other business analyst free training courses and training materials online that can also help to get you started. If you want to start your business analyst career and find materials to improve your practice or even if you are just looking for a career change, you have come to the right place.
Here is a list of other business analyst free training courses and training materials that can help you get your foot through the door. Feel free to check out the list below which is not in any particular order of preference.
Bridging the Gap – Laura Brandenburg holds a free 8-lesson email course for business analysts. The course basically focuses on what the business analyst role is about, the skills/certifications you may want to explore and useful materials you may need to get your BA career started. There are paid options as well but business analyst free training course is also worth it.
Coursera: A List of Courses For Business Analysts for more courses you can sign up for at minimal cost. In some cases, courses are offered for free.
Business Analysis Experts – This site offers free business analysis training in the form of KnowledgeKnuggets, which are 5-9 minute videos designed to teach one BA topic. There are approximately 44 Knuggets to choose from. Topics covered include an overview of business analysis and
Smart BA – hosts a variety of Business Analysis Training Materials. The modules cover process modelling, functional analysis, data modelling and lots more.