Getting ready for a Business Analyst interview? Need to know what Business Analyst interview questions to expect?
Use the information below to help you in your business analyst interview prep! This includes common business analyst interview questions that you are likely to be asked in the interview.
Go through these questions and attempt to answer each of them.
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Ready for the questions? Let’s go!
Business Analyst Interview Questions
What sections do you normally include in your BRD?
Describe a time when you faced problems or stresses at work and how did you cope?
What do you do in your spare time?
Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with the situation?
Tell me about your time at your last/current job?
What makes a requirement a requirement?
How technical are you/what technical skills do you have?
What unique skill do you bring to the job?
As a BA, who do you often collaborate with?
Tell me about yourself
What deliverables have you had to produce on the projects you've worked on in the past?
What kind of documents have you created?
Which environment do you prefer to work in: agile or waterfall?
Who do you collaborate with the most and how do you collaborate with them?
Describe how you would achieve alignment between the business and IT?
People in our company, even developers, operations, and internal end users do not understand one of the products we have. What will you do as the business analyst to ensure they understand?
Why do you want to work here?
Describe a time when you had to steer a client toward a different course of action than the one they were set on taking?
Tell me about a time when you had to implement a new process
Give an example of a time when you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision?
What do you know about our company?
How do you prioritize requirements?
How would you handle receiving criticism from a superior?
What kind of tools do you use in your role as a BA?
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with difficult stakeholders
In what area do you think you need to improve?
What kinds of reports do you create and how do you create them?
What part of the BA role do you like the most?
What experience do you have with conducting UAT and writing test plans?
Why are you looking for a new job?
Tell me about a time when you had to push back on something ?
Given that you have a user story that does not have a timeline or its not urgent. Because of that, all the other requirements that have urgency or timelines keeps pushing the one without timeline down the backlog. What would you do to build the story with no timeline?
If we had a product that was doing so well in some geographical areas but was flunking in one geographical area, what are the steps you would take to find the issue?
Also watch this video on Business Analyst interview questions and how to answer.