The Role of a Business Analyst


1. The Role of a Business Analyst

The role of a business analyst is to analyze an organization or business domain and provide the documentation for improving the business. They assess the business needs of an organization and recommend solutions to improve its efficiency. This can include process improvement, data analysis/reporting and business requirements.

On software teams, the role of the business analyst is to be the bridge between the technical team and the business and to deliver high quality requirements for software enhancements.



Business analysts typically work in the IT or business consulting departments of an organization.

You can find out more about if business analyst is the right job for you in this article: Is Business Analysis Right for You?

Find out about the job role in this video:


2. The Skills Needed to Be a Business Analyst

To be a successful business analyst, you need to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. You must be able to understand complex business processes and be able to identify ways to improve them. You also need to be able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.

This article gives you the 10 best skills needed to become a business analyst.

The video below walks you through the exact skills needed to to land a job as a business analyst.

3. The Education and Training Needed to Become a Business Analyst

There is no specific educational path you need to follow to become a business analyst. However, most business analysts have at least a bachelor’s degree, preferably in business, computer science, or a related field. Many business analysts also have a master’s degree. In addition to formal education, many business analysts also have experience working in the business or IT field.

4. The Business Analyst Salary and Job Outlook

The median annual salary for business analysts in 2022 is $85,000. The job outlook for business analysts is positive, with an expected growth rate of 20% over the next decade.

To find out about the business analyst job market, read this article: The State of the Business Analyst Job Market

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